Getting your home ready to be listed in the market is not an easy task. The thought alone of having to prepare the home you spent many years in is daunting. To prepare for this journey one of the first steps a real estate agent will urge you to complete is to clean up the place to later on go with a sexy photo session. Images speak louder than words and are the first thing potential home buyers will see.
It was December of 2019; My family and I were living in Atlanta, GA during the pandemic. We decided to sell our home and find a new place to start a new life. To make this move; We decided to sell our home. In a fragile market going through a never seen pandemic; Selling a house was definitely a hard goal to accomplish.
We received many offers and even went into "under contract" twice. After getting a contract terminated by the buyer for the first time; Our realtor suggested we did some cosmetic repairs. One of the repairs she suggested was Pressure washing our home specifically our fence, porch, driveway, etc.
After I reached out to a local pressure washing company; I received an estimate and on a quick turnaround; My driveway looked brand new.
Finally, we went under contract for the third time. This time the potential buyers were in love with the backyard. They complimented the fence and how it looked brand new.
When selling a home many factors play a key role in the process. Certainly, the appeal of the house is just as important as price, location, etc. Contact a local Pressure washing company and have your home power washed before listing it on the market. This will help boost the possibilities of a quicker sale.
